Review for „The Day Burns Bright“ by Amber Palmer

Anmerkung: Diese Rezension ist auf Englisch, da ich das Buch ursprünglich auf Englisch erhalten habe. Meine anderen Rezensionen findest du hier.

Note: This is book two in a duology. The following texts will have spoilers for book one. Keep reading at your own risk 😉

First of all, I would like to say thank you for the review copy, which was provided to me by the author. This fact does not in any way affect my personal opinion of this book. This post contains advertising and the rights for the book belong to the publisher.

General information

  • Title: The Day Burns Bright
  • Author: Amber Palmer
  • Series: Wicked Dark Duology (Book 2 out of 2)
  • Publisher: Self-published
  • Format: Ebook
  • Pages: 289
  • Release date: 01. May 2024
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Price: 2,81€ [Ebook]


In the aftermath of a devastating tragedy, Rion D’arcy is left with nothing but the shattered pieces of a broken heart and a haunting array of unanswered questions. Despite the unwavering support at his side, the ache for solace consumes him.

With the help of friends, both new and old, Rion vows to enact his revenge. He is forced to confront the haunting decisions of his past so that those he loves may have a chance for a better future.

However, all is not what it seems.

Can Rion stop the looming darkness before it is too late? Or will the day burn bright with truths he never wanted to face?

My opinion

Of course, this is only my personal opinion of the book and just because I give this rating to the book doesn’t mean, that everyone will have that opinion.

This review hurts to write and that’s why I put off writing it. It has been one month since I read it and I don’t remember much of the book – which in my case is a clear indicator that I was enjoying it to the fullest.

I reread „The Night Runs Red“ beforehand because I was so excited for book 2. Book one was a book, that I enjoyed and that I also recommended.
„The day turns bright“ felt different. It felt rushed and everything just happened too fast. The characters didn’t feel the same and I thought they lacked depth and chemistry, which they definitely had beforehand. The plot felt a bit all over the place and don’t get me started about the miscommunication.

I will give 3 stars because I enjoyed book one a lot and maybe I just read the books at the wrong time. This rating is open to change to maybe 2,5 stars but for now, I will go with 3.


Sadly not as good as book one

My rating is: 

Bewertung: 3 von 5.

See you later, 

Paula Josina

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